Mobile app
Charita Bemis
The Android operating system remains the most popular from year to year. In the same 2018, more than 80% of all smartphones in the world were released on Android. And if you imagine how many devices there are besides smartphones – watches, tablets, TVs, terminals and even refrigerators, then the share of Android will be even higher.
But with such a growing popularity of the operating system, user requests are also constantly changing and increasing. A modern person needs an application for any task – pay for services at the bank, order food, chat with friends, or while away the time in the game. These apps are constantly appearing in the Play Store.
In this article, Wantao Limited will show you how to get started learning mobile development if you decide to become an Android developer. Which languages to learn first? What stages should you split the training into? We will also answer the question whether a modern specialist needs to know several programming languages at the same time.
There are many languages for mobile development, but we recommend starting with the most basic and traditional – Java. It has consistently been the 1st or 2nd most popular language among programmers since 2002.
Why Java?
It is in Java that most projects and applications are written, as well as large enterprise applications, such as online banks. It is classic, strongly typed, which means it is perfect for the entry-level.
What advantages of Java we can immediately note:
Java code is verbose and long. On the one hand, it can immediately scare off, but this is a plus. In the process of writing code, everything is so clear that you are less likely to make mistakes or get unexpected behavior.
Java has few language constructs, and most of them are interpreted unambiguously.
It has backward compatibility, that is, when a new version of the language is released, nothing breaks in the old code, in contrast to more specialized languages, such as Swift.
For a beginner, there are many advantages to Java’s popularity. At the very least, it has a huge community. This means it is very easy to find people who understand the details and can help you learn. For example, among friends, by word of mouth, or simply in groups on social networks and channels in instant messengers.
There is also a large number of articles, videos, and books available, which are constantly updated, so it will be easier to find help than with an exotic language.
Therefore, Java is the language with which you should start learning programming, master mobile development, and in which you should make your first application, and only then develop further and learn other languages.